the play on words in this blog (sosoglad/sad) stands for bittersweet tunes - so i will pass this blog onto friends of mine and new friends i make during my journey through world history and the internet who i think like to listen to stuff like that (and i would like to invite you to pass it onto people you know, if you want)


godspeed you! black emperor

es ist so wunderbar, wenn bands mit grossem namen, diesem live auch gerecht werden.
ein wunderschoenes konzert, kaum in worte zu fassen. ich hab mich lange drauf gefreut
und meine erwartungen sind noch uebertroffen worden. vollends zufrieden.
vielen dank anna fuer diesen schoenen abend :)

live in wien

the dead flag blues



wonderful song
with a wonderful ending
wonderful band
and wonderful concert yesterday

and another beautiful one


a secret agent

got this one from sevi

thanks for that.

at the moment one of the best tunes for taking a shower, having sex, dancing with sevi while brushing your teeth or just anything else


srpski film soundtrack

THE track of the first days in this new year.
turn up the volume and bass + enjoy.


enjoy the ride

recommended by: gabri, vienna