the play on words in this blog (sosoglad/sad) stands for bittersweet tunes - so i will pass this blog onto friends of mine and new friends i make during my journey through world history and the internet who i think like to listen to stuff like that (and i would like to invite you to pass it onto people you know, if you want)


Amen Ra - Razor Eater

Recommended by: Wim, Belgium


40 day dream

haha - can't even explain what happened within the last 3 days.
but hey - aahaha, just listen to it and everything is ok


Danger Dan

At the moment on heavy rotation. Coming out EP from this guy - wonderful. The songs he did with Antilopengang - awesome.


christmas steps

Way too less characters in this box to write all my experiences and memories about mogwai.

a few month back, when I got the news that Efterklang will be playing a concert in vienna on the very same day as Mogwai I had no doubt which band it's going to be for me.

for the 10th time today.
and here's the reason why:

(David, wenn du im Maerz die Maedels besuchst, koenntest du mir nen Gefallen tun? Ich hab noch ne Kiste mit Zeug, T Shirts, 2 Pfeifen und ein Buch und keine Ahnung was noch, bei Ihnen. Versand muss so um die 15 Euro sein. Ich hab Izzy schon desoefteren deswegen angeschrieben, aber ich glaub die ist einfach zu faul :D Koenntest du mir die schicken? Geld kann ich dir Paypallen. Schrebi mir bitte auf CS wegen Adresse. Danke :) Der Mogwai Tipp geht unter anderem natuerlich auch an dich raus - wunderbare Erinnerungen.)